Saturday, April 21, 2007

Casefile 13: Eek! Pus!

Woah. We're on Casefile 13 already! Time apparates, doesn't it? Haha, Inspector Zhao, we'll be promoted to Chief Inspector and Superintendent in two weeks! I'm half-happy and sad, 'cos that means we'll be missing our ever-loyal bio-fans, but we'll be given a big break from research work! Hm, so let's work harder to give our best for the last two weeks, ok? Yayy! :D

Haha, firstly, let's recap. We've done deficiencies of Vitamin A, B, C, D, sugar, certain enzymes (very lazy to spell out the looong names :p), water, sleep, phosphorus, plague, blood, and, last but not least, Professor Chia!!! See, we've learnt a lot, haven't we? :)

HMMM... Certain enzymes... That makes me think of this... Our body produces our own digestive enzymes. So is it possible for us to we have a deficiency of digestive enzymes? How can this happen? What happens if we lack these enzymes?

Ok, I'm so long-winded. Let's start!

Today's topic: Amylase deficiency

There are 4 types of amylase α-Amylase, β-Amylase, γ-Amylase and Acid α-glucosidase. Haha. There're α and β. Looks like math, doesn't it? But don't worry, we'll only be talking about γ-Amylase, the amylase found in our body. :)
Our salivary amylase! Haha, very virtual. :p


Functions of amylase:

1. We've learnt this in Bio! Amylase digests carbohydrates into sugars. So, excessive intake of carbo will take up all your amylase, and may lead to amylase deficiency! This is because enzymes can be reused, remember? so the body does not produce it all the time.

2. Amylase breaks down dead white blood cells (pus). Amylase deficiency (maybe caused by excessive carbo?) will lead in inflamed wounds. You've seen pus before, right? It's so digusting! And that's a sign of amylase deficiency!

Also, since excessive carbo can cause amylase deficiency, excessive wounds and pus may take up all the amylase as well, though the chances are slimer. Anyway, if that occurs, you won't have enough amylase to digest your carbo, then you'll have insufficient sugar. Remember the hot debate on hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? This can lead to hypoglycemia. Ahhh! Why are all diseases linked?

Sigh, so the moral of the story is: Don't fall ill.

Detective CxY
Enzymedica Enzymes V-gest! They say this cures amylase deficiency!

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