Saturday, March 17, 2007

Casefile 1 : Ariboflavinosis

haha. i don't want to be known as Professor Chia -.-'. so OLD.. (reminds me of that guy who came and did the DNA talk last year remember !! )..anw, so i found this nutrition deficiency disease on the internet which has a wierd name (actually, which disease doesn't has a wierd name.) - Ariboflavinosis.
So, Ariboflavinosis is caused by the deficiency of Riboflavin, a type of vitamin B. The disease is also associated with protein energy malnutrition and alcoholism too. This is basically because liver is the main storage organ for riboflavin in mammals and if the liver is impaired, it prevents the proper utiilization of the vitamin =). See how alcohol kills!! Anyway.. if you want to know if you have ariboflavinosis.. which is like impossible, zilch chance, here are the symtomps: cracked and red lips, inflammation of the lining of mouth and tongue, mouth ulcers and a sore throat. Quite common symptoms of OTHER common illnesses.. so don't go around saying you've got Ariboflavinosis if you've been not drinking water and gorging on chocalates - resulting in cracked and red lips and sore throat... Ok.. the other symptom of Ariboflavinosis is decreased red blood cell count with normal cell size and haemoglobin content.
Ariboflavinosis also occurs in animals =) like dogs and monkeys. Their symptoms differ from symptoms in human beings and they include: lack of growth, failure to thrive and eventual death.
Treatment for this disease is usually 6mg of Riboflavin a day. =) doesn't seem so hard to swallow considering meat, egg, milk, cheese, yoghurt, leafy green vegetables and whole grains are all rich in Riboflavin =) who says great tasting food can't be good for your heatlh!! Bt anw.. juz an extra bit of information.. Excess Riboflavin is excreted through the urine, and the bright yellow colour of urine is caused by the bright yellow-orangey colour of Riboflavin.. =)
Michelle Chia (28) haha NOT professor Chia. =)

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