Sunday, March 18, 2007

Casefile 2 : Hypervitaminosis A

Ariboflavinosis sounds painful. I mean so many of us get sore throats and make it seem as if we're never going to be able to speak again. Since, according to wikipedia, Ariboflavinosis occurs most frequently in populations consuming limited quantities of riboflavin-containing foods such as meats, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, leafy green vegetables and whole grains, HAH, it means that vegetarians may not be spared from Ariboflavinosis! So make sure that you get enough of everything everyday or you might risk getting looking like you're wearing lipstick that will never rub off.

Although you shouldn't diet excessively, you shouldn't eat to much either because there's this thing called Overnutrition, basically eating too much. It can lead to lots of horrible diseases and illnesses. Like Mr Johari said, if you take too many VitC or MutiVit tablets you may suffer from vitamin poisoning or hypervitaminosis. Let's talk about Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is needed for vision, regulation of gene expression, immunity, growth and development of our bodies and even red blood cell production. You would think that this vitamin is needed for so many things that your body probably never gets enough. But do you know that excessive intake of Vitamin A can cause:
-birth defects [I needn't go into details]

-liver abnormalities [It could lead to Ariboflavinosis]

-reduced bone mineral density that may result in osteoporosis

-coarse bone growths

-hair loss [No one wants to bald before 60]

-excessive skin dryness/peeling

Hypervitaminosis A occurs when your liver is unable to store anymore retinoids [a class of chemical compounds that are related chemically to vitamin A] and excess enters the blood stream, causing system toxicity. Though you may suffer from this if you eat too much liver [foie gras anyone?], studies have shown that most Vitamin A toxicity cases were caused by an excessive intake of Vitamin A suplements so put down that box of Chewy MultiVits right now! Symptoms of Hypervitaminosis A include nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and loss of muscular coordination. Not very pleasant. It's worse than how some may have felt after kayaking for hours in the rain during OBS :o

This post was inspected by Inspector Zhao :D

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