Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Casefile 3 : Hypoglycemia

Sugar or no sugar. An Un-scientific debate

Inspector Zhao: G'day Detective, how's your case coming along?

Detective CxY: Oh, not much progress, plus the witness just fainted...

Inspector Zhao: What?! Why?

Detective CxY: I don't know. Her boyfriend claimed that she lacked sugar...

Inspector Zhao: Don't be stupid! There's no such thing as a lack of sugar, just excess. I mean, look at the obesity rates nowadays!

Detective CxY: EXACTLY! That was my perception initially! But Dr Kelly said that the witness was suffering from hypo... hypotonic thing!!

Prof Chia: (shouts across the room) It's hypoglycemia, you poop!!!

Detective CxY: Oops :P

Inspector Zhao: Hypogl..glands? What's that? I only know that excessive sugar causes Diabetes

Detective CxY: It's hypoglyCEMIA!!! Yayy, I got it right this time, didn't I? *heh* Anyway, according to what I understand from Dr Kelly's looooong lecture... it is low blood sugar.

Inspector Zhao: More like high blood sugar, right? Stop pulling my leg. I knew there was a conspiracy against me!

Detective CxY: Oh WOW. Like who wants to conspire against you? Hypogly... glycemia can happen to anyone, of any age, of any race, of any medical record whatsoever. It can happen to a person just after an overnight fast.

Inspector Zhao: Really? But when I'm working very hard I sometimes skip my meals! Am I suffering from hypoo.. hypo.. hypoblahblahblah?

Detective CxY: MAYBE!! (: Sometimes, a person can be suffering hypoglycemia without any symptom because his or her blood sugar just falls below the normal amount for a short period of time, and this blood sugar can be increased just by eating foods rich in carbohydrates! However, prolonged untreatment of hypoglycemia can lead to serious consequences like...


Detective CxY: Woah, I've never seen a more egoistical person than you! Well, because brain activities depend on the sugar from the blood, when the sugar level falls below the normal level for long periods of time, impairment of action and judgement, and even loss of consciousness. The most serious cases have resulted in ------

Inspector Zhao: Impairment of action and judgement? Sounds like you might be suffering from it too! hahahahaha!

Detective CxY: LOL! Stop interrupting me, you hypoglycemic freak! Fine, I'm not going to tell you the consequences of the most serious cases. Might as well just let you die. XD

Inspector Zhao: Oh fine. I'll keep my mouth shut for now.

Detective CxY: Good girl!

Inspector Zhao: Hrmph. I. Am. Not. Amused.

Detective CxY: Hahaha. Ok, looks like you're suffering from mild impairment of speech already! Gosh, go eat something now before permanent brain damage happens and there's no way to regret!!!

Inspector Zhao: Good thing I stopped by Raffles Cityl to get donnuts just now. *CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP* Okay. Now tell me the serious consequences!

Detective CxY: I just said it. -_-lll

Inspector Zhao: What? No you didn't! Detective! Stop being so irresponsible! I do not appreciate this sort of secrecy!

Detective CxY: WHAT. I'm serious. I JUST SAID IT!

Inspector Zhao: You mean permanent brain damage? OH NO!

Detective CxY: Haha, now then you realise. Looks like you've got impairment of everything, not just speech!

Inspector Zhao: AH HELP MEEEEEE!!

Thank you for reading our spastic and nonsensical deabte. We truly appreciate your support.
Did you not realise that "permanent brain damage" was said, or that a number of other consequences were mentioned, just like Inspector Zhao? If yes, take care! Muahahahahaha! X)

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