Thursday, April 05, 2007

Casefile 9: Let's play HEART ATTACK

Woah. Heart attack is so scary!!!

Oh, by the way, our topic was deficiency diseases. So what has heart attacks got to do with deficiency diseases?

Let us look back at how a heart attack occurs. According to Inspector Zhao, blood clots block the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart. When the blood is blocked, the amount of blood that is able to pass the blockage and reach the heart is highly reduced. This condition is called ischaemia.


Ischaemia is the disease that occurs when there is reduced blood supply to the heart. Prolonged untreated ischaemia will lead to a total blockage of blood in the blood vessels as the blood clots build up. No blood is supplied to the heart and a heart attack occurs!!!

After-effects of ischaemia:
Temporary damage and pain, Acute heart failure (Short-term), Chronic heart failure (Long-term), Permanent heart damage (ok, the cartoon has both figurative and literal meanings. :)), Irregular heartbeat (can be fatal), Structural damage of heart e.g. heart valves

Ischaemia can be fatal!! It is the most common cause of death in the western countries!!!

So, take precautions!
- Do not light a cigarette, you're harming everyone!
- Maintain low blood pressure, not low blood sugar! Remember hypoglycemia?
- Exercise regularly, it strengthens your muscles! By the way, your heart is a muscle.
- Monitor your weight, obesity increases body fat stores e.g. abdominal fat. This increases the heart's workload. Don't be so cruel to your heart, it's part of your body!
- Damn those trans-fats. Eat less fast food, remember our trans fat article!
- Monitor and reduce cholesterol
- Three cheers to vitamin C (maintains healthy blood vessels)

Oh, and when you give people a surprise, make sure it's a pleasant one. Don't give them a... Click here.

P.S. Since HEART ATTACK is so dangerous, why do primary school students love to play it so much? :D

Detective CxY

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