Sunday, April 08, 2007

Unrelated Casefile : Stress

The Criminal Psychology Department requested this information to be released as soon as possible. It has nothing to do with deficiency diseases but it is of utmost importance that we are all in the know.

Do you feel like this?

Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that upset our personal balance in some way. Stress is extremely common among students, especially with schedules like what we have!

The largest study ever conducted on acne and stress reveals that teenagers who were under high levels of stress were 23% more likely to have increased acne severity, according to researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and colleagues.

And not only that! Stress affects a person both physically and psychologically. It can cause high blood pressure, digestive problems, headaches, inablity to concentrate, poor judgement, pessimism et cetera.

BUT THE WORST THING IS stressors(the event that triggers the stress) are not only negative things (like a tiring schedule) but also good things (like getting promoted) !

How on earth are we supposed to manage our stress if anything and everything can cause stress?
There is no single solution to stress that would work for everyone, it all depends on your stress levels and stressors.

-You can try getting more rest, it doesn't have to be sleep, stoning is also a form of rest.
-Exercising regularly will also help by releasing endorphins or endomorhpines(more about this coming soon to this blog)
-Watch a stupid movie or TV show that will make you laugh. Laughing releases endomorphines too :D

If you want more information on stress, check out

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